Residential Solution

We provide myriads of homes including estates with very robust 24/7 uninterrupted solar power supply to run their conditioners, water heaters, Television sets, Freezers, Electronic Irons, Walter Pumps, Fans, Water dispensers, Microwaves and every other household appliance. Or Solar power systems are designed to power every appliances for up to 30 years with minimal maintenance cost, noiseless and evironmetal friendly.
Sutotal Clean Energy has an unflinching commitment to help business and other commercial outfits to cut their operational cost on energy. That is why we design and install solar power systems for Supermarkets, Shopping Complexes, Offices. To all top Business like Hospitals, Schools, ICT Centres including Churches Auditoriums among others. Solar Power system help reduce drastically operational cost of any companys' expenses on power and improve their operation/services efficiently with uninterrupted power supply